Quiénes somos
4 noviembre, 2014Blog
4 noviembre, 2014About us
1. Presentation
2. Governance Bodies
3. Activities
4. Broadcast Media
1. Presentation
An Association at the service
of diffusion of Geography
The Spanish Geographical Association (henceforth referred to as AGE) is a professional partnership of geographers whose main purpose is to promote and further develop the Spanish geographical science and its applications, and disseminate and publicize the geographical knowledge in society.
The AGE was founded in 1975 during the celebration of the Fourth National Conference of Geography. Since then, its activity has been focused on promoting scientific meetings, coordinating the activities of the Spanish Geography in society and collaborating with other national and international geographic associations.
The AGE currently brings together nearly 1,000 people connected with Geography through teaching, research and the free practice of the profession of geographers.
Given the wide variety of topics related to Geography and the ever greater thematic specialization, the Association has set up Working Groups whose members can join in order to pursue certain specific lines of research and study.
2. Governance Bodies
The management bodies of AGE are comprised of the General Assembly of all the members, which meet annually, and of the Board of Directors which is responsible for carrying out the programs of activities that emanate from the General Assembly. This Board of Directors is elected for a four-year term and is partially re-elected every two years. The Board of Directors consists of a President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and eight Board members.
3. Activities
Activities of the AGE include the biannual celebration of the Spanish Geographers Conferences, of which the Departments of Geography of the different Spanish Universities are headquartered in turns. In alternate years, the Association organizes Workshops, Meetings and Symposiums in order to present the geographical science to the Spanish society and publicize their proposals in current affairs.
The Working Groups also hold periodic scientific meetings and organize a variety of activities that address subjects related to their various fields of research.
The members of AGE receive complete information on the holding and results of all activities and they obtain substantial economic benefits for participation in these scientific events.
4. Broadcast Media
The AGE edits a periodical publication, the journal “Boletín de la Asociación Española de Geografía“, of which three issues are published per year. These are distributed free of charge to partners of the AGE. The «Boletín de la Asociación Española de Geografía» aims to be the main organism of expression for Spanish Geography.
In addition, the Working Group of Teaching of Geography annually publishes the journal “Didáctica Geográfica“, which is a reference journal on topics related to research and educational innovation in order to contribute to the improvement of teaching geography through research in this area and educational innovations experienced in the classroom.
For its part, the Working Group of Technology at the Geographic Information edits the magazine “Geofocus“, also an annual scientific and technical journal with an international vocation, specialized in geographic information science and its various applications.
Besides these journals, the AGE, with extraordinary character, edits representative collective works of Spanish Geography. Likewise, both the Conferences and the scientific meetings of the Working Groups give rise to publications that collect their content, thus constituting a wide and varied bibliographic repertoire.