III Jornadas hispano-francesas de Geografía
22 marzo, 2019X Congreso sobre Sistemas agrarios, organización social y poder local
4 abril, 2019Call for Paper Sessions American Association of Geographers
Recreation, Tourism, & Sport Specialty Group
3-7 April 2019, Washington, D.C.
The Recreation, Tourism, & Sport Specialty Group invites you to organize sessions for the American Association of Geographers (http://annualmeeting.aag.org/call_for_submissions) annual meeting, which will take place in Washington, D.C., 3-7 April 2019.
Current CFPs
For the latest information on sessions seeking presenters, please visit: https://aagrts.wordpress.com/call-for-papers/. Please also forward any details of your organized sessions to me (jillian.rickly@nottingham.ac.uk), so that I approve sponsorship and can advertise them on our website and social media and to our members.
Paper prizes
In addition to our annual student paper award (https://aagrts.wordpress.com/student-corner/), we are also offering an early career paper prize (https://aagrts.wordpress.com/early-career-researchers/). Please visit the representative webpages for details.